Since 2011, Innervisions HealthCare has helped thousands of people throughout Des Moines and Central Iowa with pregnancy testing, STD testing, ultrasounds, and more. You can talk with a medical professional about your unplanned pregnancy. We provide you with no-cost pregnancy screening services which include an ultrasound to determine how far along you are. The office visit and all of our services are completely free. We offer an open and caring environment by trained medical staff.

Our Mission

Innervisions HealthCare provides women and men facing unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases with compassionate, non-judgmental, and truthful information, sexual integrity education, and free medical care, to empower them to make the most informed decisions for themselves and their families.

Free, Caring & Confidential Pregnancy Care

Is pregnancy not in your plans? A million questions flooding your mind? We get it. We can help you get answers to those questions. We offer pregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds, and STD/STI testing. Our trained medical staff can provide you with the information, resources, and support you need.

Next Steps

What do you do now? There are a ton of emotions going through your head and we’re here to help you make the best decision for yourself. Our staff of trained medical professionals can provide you with the information and support you need. Get answers about your pregnancy options and the risks.

We are here for you. Schedule an appointment for our free and confidential services.