Ultrasound is a helpful imaging technology that uses sound waves to create an image of the uterus and discover critical details about pregnancy.
An early obstetric ultrasound looks for three things: gestational age (how far along you are), viability (progressing with a heartbeat), and location of the pregnancy. First, however, it is necessary to have a positive pregnancy test.
Urine pregnancy tests detect a hormone called hCG, produced once the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. The level of hCG is typically high enough for a positive test after a woman misses her period.
After a positive pregnancy test, your next step is to schedule an ultrasound scan.
When Is the First Ultrasound Scan?
If you wait until after your missed period to take a pregnancy test, you are likely about four weeks along (gestational age is measured from the first day of your last period).
However, the earliest an ultrasound can show an embryo is around six weeks gestation. A provider may consider scheduling your ultrasound around this time or at seven or eight weeks. The exact timing depends on your provider.
Let’s take a look at the three essential aspects of pregnancy that an early ultrasound will examine:
1. Gestational Age
Once the nurse or sonographer can see your pregnancy on the screen, they will take measurements to determine your gestational age and due date.
Age is a crucial factor when a woman is considering her pregnancy options, as certain abortion types are only available during specific time periods.
2. Location of the Pregnancy
An ultrasound will confirm your pregnancy is located in the uterus.
In 2% of pregnancies, the fertilized egg implants elsewhere, usually in a fallopian tube. This type of pregnancy is a dangerous condition called an ectopic pregnancy. It calls for immediate medical care.
3. Viability
When used in the first trimester, the term viability is another way of saying that the pregnancy is progressing with a heartbeat. Since most miscarriages occur in the first trimester, this is essential information.
Where Can You Receive An Ultrasound?
Our experienced medical team at InnerVisions HealthCare can provide no-cost pregnancy testing and an ultrasound.
We will also give you information on all your options. At InnerVisions, we are here for you.
Contact us today!