If you find yourself pregnant when you are in college, chances are it is an unexpected pregnancy. You could feel a range of emotions as you learn how you can make this work or search for different solutions.
Here are some questions to ask yourself as you consider your current situation.
1. Are You Ready to Be a Parent?
Was parenting a part of your immediate plans? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to be a parent, but now is not the best time.
Of course, it is beneficial to find out for sure if you are pregnant before you begin to rearrange your future. Contact Innervisions Healthcare for a no-cost pregnancy test and ultrasound so that you know for sure.
2. Are You Attending College Away From Home?
If so, you may not be made aware of many of the community referrals available. You may feel uncertain as to which ones you could access.
Pregnancy medical clinics, such as Innervisions Healthcare, are excellent connection points for community resources and information. Your school counselors may also inform you what your college can offer.
3. Will You Be Able to Finish School?
There is no denying that having a child can make school more challenging. However, women successfully mix family and career all the time.
The ease at which this happens may depend on many factors. Number one is if you are determined to make it work or not.
Second, do you have a good support system? Is your partner or your parents willing to help you out?
Third, know that your school is not allowed to discriminate against you.
Due to Title IX, your school must allow you to continue participating and make reasonable adjustments for you. They also must excuse necessary absences and allow you to make up work.
Completing your degree with an unexpected pregnancy is possible, and Title IX helps protect your rights.
How Can Innervisions Healthcare Assist You?
Our experienced medical team can provide you with a no-cost pregnancy test and ultrasound (if no medical contraindications) so that you know for sure if you are pregnant. We will also give you information on all your options.
Whether you are attending school at home or away, we can provide excellent community referrals for any needs you have. Most of all, we want you to know that you don’t need to face this pregnancy alone.
Contact us today!